Private 5G Vs WIFI — Boost Pro Systems

The Clarus Networks Group
3 min readJun 6, 2022

What is Wi-Fi?

Wi-Fi, which is used in a wide range of domestic and commercial settings such as homes, office buildings, and public spaces, is well known for being simple and cost-effective to maintain, with minimal disruption in its deployment.

The introduction of the sixth generation Wi-Fi is intended to improve the speed and dependability of wireless networks. Wi-Fi 6, connected to a single broadband network, assures theoretical speeds of 9.6Gbps, which is 6.1Gbps more than its predecessor. While Wi-Fi networks do have the capacity to be effective as a LAN technology, its only suitable for less demanding security and mobility applications.

There are environments in which Wi-Fi is not resilient enough. This includes large venue settings such as airports and stadiums — the range of a wireless network is often a problem for large sites as well as continuous movement.

Additionally, Wi-Fi networks often struggle with ensuring security and are prone to interference where outdoor or hybrid coverage is required. To access a Wi-Fi network, all that is needed is the SSID and password, making it inadequate for high-security situations. Watch our video or continue reading below:

What is Private 5G?

Private 5G, the newer technology of the two, has an array of advantages over Wi-Fi. This includes faster speeds, more capacity, and lower latency.

The possibilities of 5G have resulted in some industries investing in private cellular networks to improve many aspects of business operations, including security, productivity, health and safety, and carbon reduction. Industry 4.0 has brought about the demand for automation and IoT devices, to simplify and reduce cumbersome day-to-day tasks. However, this often requires thousands of sensors and devices to be connected to a consistent and reliable connection. Private 5G networks have been pivotal in offering a lower cost, better performing, more scalable network by comparison to traditional wired and Wi-Fi deployments.

The question that has been frequently discussed is whether 5G will replace Wi-Fi networks. Each has its advantages, and each is better suited to specific use cases. There are cases when the two can be used in tandem to enhance the service offered.

Private 5G or Wi-Fi

For many businesses within indoor settings such as office buildings, a Wi-Fi solution may be better suited — this is due to strain on capacity not being severe as well as most applications not being mission-critical. In such examples, however, network security should be carefully considered — organisations that hold sensitive data, such as financial services and healthcare, may benefit from the enhanced network security and control of a private 5G network.

As can be expected, settings such as ports, airports, and stadiums require reliable, secure, and high-performing wireless networks for employees, visitors, devices, and machines. The network provided by 5G is ideal for these industries, not only does it offer the required network capacity, but its scalability also aids the acceleration and growth of organisations’ digitalisation.

Which Technology Is Right For You?

This table compares the key parameters of various wireless technologies, including coverage, number of connected devices, reliability, latency, peak speeds, mobility, and security. Depending on your requirements, your organisation may benefit from the increased capacity and speeds of a private mobile network:

To learn more, or to see a private cellular network in action, get in touch with our team today.

Originally published at on June 6, 2022.



The Clarus Networks Group

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